
Transaction Protection

This coverage aims to revive banking transactions to reach their prosperity by providing the necessary coverage where the company pays the amount of the obligation in the event of default, death or incapacity of the subscriber. This product includes microfinance transactions and all loans, as well as covering depositors.

Requirements/How to Order:

Phone:+249 18 378 2538



social solidarity

This policy achieves the principle of solidarity between the participants during the subscription period in the event of the death of one of the employees / members, his permanent total disability, the loss of a member / party, the loss of the benefit of a member / party, or his need for a hospital bed due to an injury resulting from an accident, or an injury as a result of An accident that necessitated treatment during the subscription period. In these cases, the solidarity and solidarity with the beneficiary is to pay the insurance benefits agreed upon in the contract.

Requirements/How to Order:

Phone:+249 18 378 2538



Pension Takaful

This coverage provides a sum of money to the beneficiary as a pension to be used on life circumstances in the event of his permanent total disability or reaching the legal age for optional or compulsory pension.

Requirements/How to Order:

Phone:+249 18 378 2538



Takaful of the rituals of Hajj and Umrah

This document provides the sums requested by the contributor and he pays their installments so that he can perform the ritual of Hajj or Umrah by providing the expenses determined by the contributor to ensure that the contributor performs the ritual of Hajj or Umrah for his person, or to whom the contributor donates this privilege to (father, mother, son, wife, or any other a person of his choice). In the event of the contributor’s death before performing the Hajj or Umrah ritual, the amount specified in the document shall be paid to any person from his family or guardians, and he shall be assigned to perform the Hajj or Umrah ritual on his behalf.

Requirements/How to Order:

Phone:+249 18 378 2538



energy insurance

Energy insurance is divided into:

Insurance during construction and construction operations, including:

(Construction and manufacturing inside the workshops - towing and transportation operations - installation and testing).

Insurance during operation includes:

Property insurance: It has two types of insurance against all risks and insurance against fire/lightning/explosion risks.

Insurances for the cost of controlling the wells: it includes, the cost of removing debris, the liability resulting from pollution and leakage, the cost, the cost of evacuation or evacuation, losses or damages resulting from earth explosions.

Liability insurance: includes comprehensive civil liability, liability for damages resulting from the use of the product, and liability towards third parties.

Document issuance procedures

1. Insurance request.

2. Technical inspection of the insurance issue by the Loss Reduction Department.

3. Issuance of insurance policy

Requirements/How to Order:

Phone:+249 18 378 2538



Crop insurance

The agricultural sector is exposed to many natural risks, such as fluctuations in climatic conditions, droughts, floods and the spread of pests and diseases, in addition to institutional risks represented in administrative failures and economic risks such as price fluctuations...etc.

These risks would cause great damage to the agricultural sector, causing farmers and producers to incur heavy losses, which would be a cause of insolvency and economic instability.

Crop insurance definition

Crop insurance is a symbiotic system to compensate for the damage caused to the farmer as a result of the damage to his crops due to the dangers to which agriculture is exposed.

Crop insurance benefits

Insurance provides security and reassurance to the farmer and producer and compensates him for losses.

Insurance provides a first-class guarantee for banks to provide the required financing and accelerate the pace of economic activity for the benefit of lenders and borrowers (farmers).

Insurance encourages national savings and adds to financial institutions an effective tool for investment and borrowing.

Insurance avoids the effects of natural hazards and achieves psychological stability and sustainability for the concerned activity.

It infuses the spirit of solidarity and cooperation among farmers.

It encourages development in rural areas and productive areas.

Covered Risks

1- Pests:-

  The national pests (such as birds, locusts, stubs, and mice) are included in it, in addition to the pests of each crop individually, provided that there is a program to combat the specific pest, and that after the control process it got out of control and led to damages.

2- Diseases:-

Provided that the cultured samples are resistant to known diseases (such as the black leg of cotton) and that there is a prevention program to combat the pathogens transmitting these diseases. And provided that the seeds are improved and not carriers of the disease.

Canals break due to natural causes.

4- Thirst:-

Recently, as part of the steady introduction of coverage, the danger of thirst has been added, which is caused by the lack of rainfall, lack of rainfall or poor distribution in the rainy sector, provided that cultivation is not done north of the rain line (450 mm) for all crops. And because of the receding of the Nile or the lack of incoming or stored water behind the reservoirs in the irrigated sector, provided that the thirst is not due to siltation or the weeds inside the canals and Abu Twenties.

5- Dust storms or hail:-

Provided that the barriers and windbreaks are used for the crops concerned.

6- Low or high temperature:-

Provided planting in the recommended areas.

7- Fires:-

For field crops and forest trees, provided that the necessary precautions are made and fire lines are opened.

Requirements/How to Order:

Phone:+249 18 378 2538



service station

car care 


car wash

Hurriya bridge,khartoum,sudan

Requirements/How to Order:




service station

car care 


car wash

Omdurman,alhatanuh,Alwadi street,Khrtoum,sudan

Requirements/How to Order:



service station

car care 


car wash

Al-Gali,15st alduyum alsharqia,khartoum,sudan

Requirements/How to Order:




service station

car care 


car wash

Alwadi street,Near krri,Omdurman,sudan

Requirements/How to Order:



service station

car care 


car wash

Ambida,Hamed Alnil,near maqabir hamed alnil,Omdurman,sudan

Requirements/How to Order:



service station

car care 


car wash

Jad alseed,albaladia streer,bahri,sudan

Requirements/How to Order: